

In the late 17th century, French fashion demanded such large and complicated coiffures that hair stylists often had to add already-cut hair to the heads of their clients. Hair merchants sent professional cutters all over Europe to bring back pounds of human hair, all of which had to be 24 inches long. The Dutch were said to produce the finest hair. And the color of choice in France was ash-brown. Top-quality tresses fetched the equivalent of $7,500 per pound.

Disney’s “Toy Story II” reveals that Woody — the Western action figure who speaks in the voice of Tom Hanks — is actually a rare collectible from the 1950s. The movie stresses that Woody, in his hand-stitched vest and polyvinyl cowboy hat, is a perfect, museum-quality specimen of a 1950s toy. But there is one problem with this premise. In the movie, Woody’s holster is empty. No self-respecting 1950s boy would accept a toy cowboy without its corresponding gun.

Mockingbirds borrow material from other birds in order to expand their song vocabulary. Ornithologists have found that some male mockingbirds can perform up to 200 unique tunes. But these copycats don’t limit themselves to songs stolen from cardinals and Carolina wrens. They also impersonate washing machines and car alarms.

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