

The brain of a camel weighs only about half as much as the gray matter of an adult human.

The Sargasso Sea has no coastline. That’s because the gold-flecked, blue waters lie in the center of the North Atlantic, surrounded by currents that move in a clockwise direction, defining its boundaries.

Marilyn Monroe’s classic skirt-blowing scene in “The Seven Year Itch” was first filmed on the corner of Manhattan’s Lexington Avenue and 52nd Street. But the footage wasn’t used. Director Billy Wilder found that he could get a better result, re-staging the scene in the studio.

The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise estimates that there are 5.8 million Jews in the United States, almost a million more than are in Israel.

The Lincoln Memorial sits on more than 100 acres of Potomac Park, in Washington, D.C. But early supporters had hoped to see the monument built in Gettysburg, Pa., with a highway, linking the memorial to the nation’s capital.

A news organization compiled a list of first names among tennis professionals and found that the most popular names for male players are David, John and Michael. Female players are more likely to be called Andrea, Elena or Maria.

With a diameter of 680 feet, the Louisiana Superdome is the world’s largest such structure.

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