

Almost 5 million Americans identify themselves as vegetarians.

Craven Walker, inventor of the Lava lamp, told 1960s consumers that “if you buy my lamp, you won’t need drugs.” Walker’s invention was an immediate success.

In 1964, Sidney Poitier became the first African American to win an Oscar for Best Actor.

Pigs do have sweat glands. But only on their noses.

Justin Morgan taught school, served as town clerk and conducted singing classes. But Morgan also had an eye for fine horses, and when he died, he left behind a little horse, named Figure. That little horse — part Arab, part Thoroughbred — was well-known for his ability to outpull and outrun much larger animals. And he became the father of America’s first new line of horses, the Morgan.

Alexander Graham Bell is well-known for his invention of the telephone. But Bell also experimented in genetics, working for many years to breed sheep with extra nipples. He thought the ewes of just such a breed might produce more milk.

Biologists suggest that if the human body could retain the same resistance to stress, injury and disease that is present in a 2-year-old child, we might commonly live for up to 700 years.

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