

Students at Harvard rioted in 1766 over the poor quality of food, and at least half of the 155 students were expelled.

When Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit invented the mercury thermometer in 1714, he calibrated it such that 0 was set to the coldest temperatures found during winter in Western Europe. At the other end of the scale, 100 corresponded to the region’s summer highs.

Alligators grow nearly one foot per year until they reach a length of about 11 feet.

Ricotta means re-cooked. The whey that is left over from the making of other cheeses is re-heated, forming snowy-white curds. Thus, Ricotta cheese is a dairy product. But it is not a true cheese.

Ty Cobb’s 1910 batting title was awarded in error. “The Sporting News” discovered in 1981 that one game had been counted twice, giving Cobb an average of .385 when he had only earned .383. During that same season, Nap Lajoie of Cleveland had earned a .384 batting average.

A cat’s normal body temperature ranges from 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit.

In the “Iliad,” Homer claims that a Greek herald, Stentor, had a voice as loud as that of 50 ordinary men. That’s why, even today, a loud voice is sometimes called stentorian.

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