
Black clothing has thinning properties

Industrial designers and aesthetics experts report that human perception of shapes and surfaces depends on minute shadows and patterns on the surface. They say that this means that black clothing can be worn to make a person’s behind appear smaller than its actual size.

“Esther” is the only book of the Bible in which the name of God is never mentioned.

Bailey Bridge, which spans a length of 98 feet above India’s Ladakh Valley, is the world’s highest bridge at 18,379 feet above sea level.

Because snakes can’t chew, they must paralyze or kill their victims before they start to swallow. As a result of this practice, some experts have described snakes as basically one stretchy stomach with a head at one end and a tail at the other.

Skeptics question the old claim that “all roads lead to Rome.” But geographers point to the fact that there is at least one city named Rome on every continent.

Ralph Edwards, producer of the popular game show “Truth or Consequences,” wondered during a 1950 broadcast if a town would change its name in order to honor the show. On March 31, 1950, Hot Springs, New Mexico, changed its name to Truth or Consequences.


Today's athletes faster, stronger than in years past

Olympic results from 1900 to 2000 suggest that humans have gotten swifter and stronger. For instance, record times in the 100-meter dash have fallen from 11 to 9.8 seconds, and winning marathon times have steadily decreased from 2 hours and 59 minutes in 1900 to 2 hours and 10 minutes in 2000. Competitors in the discus threw just a little farther than 36 meters in 1900 but surpassed 69 meters in 2000, and in the long jump, athletes added more than a meter to their leaps over the 100 years of the Olympic games.

The fungus that causes athlete’s foot tends to get its start in the space between the third and fourth toes. That’s because the fungus responsible, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, prefers a warm, dark and moist collection of dead skin cells. The third and fourth toes are less mobile than their neighbors, creating a perfect home for the fungal invader.

Every 24 hours, a locust consumes its own weight in leaves.

A bruise can go through a series of color changes. That’s because the hemoglobin that is leaked from the under-the-skin blood vessel has a red-purplish hue. But hemoglobin slowly breaks down, creating biliverdin, which is green, and then bilirubin, which is yellow.


England limits sailors to gallon of beer per day

Sailors in the navy of England’s King Henry VII received a standard allocation of one gallon of beer per day. Experts point out that this quantity exceeds today’s standards of moderation in the consumption of alcohol.

When Thomas Jefferson took the presidency on March 4, 1801, Washington, D.C. had only about 6,000 residents.

Only one actor has received three Emmy nominations for playing the same character in three different television shows. Kelsey Grammer was nominated for his portrayal of Frasier Crane on “Cheers” (1987), a guest appearance on “Wings” (1990) and his own show, “Frasier” (1993).

On “Leave It to Beaver,” the Cleaver family lived at 485 Maple Drive in Mayfield, USA. But the address was changed in later episodes to 211 Pine Street.

Tsetse flies have stretchy stomachs which allow the insects to drink up to three times their own weight in blood in a single gulp.

There are three major groups of snake venom: cytotoxic, which attacks cells and tissues and is produced by vipers and adders; neurotoxic, which is produced by cobras and mambas and affects the nerves; and hemotoxic, which affects the blood-clotting process and is produced by snakes such as the boomslang and bird snake.


Children respond to plea for funds

On January 1, 1965, the host of “The Soupy Sales Children Show” instructed viewers to get into their parents’ wallets and remove “those little pieces of paper with the pictures of George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson on them and send them to me, and I’ll send you a postcard from Puerto Rico.” TV-WNEW suspended Sales when it received a deluge of U.S. currency from young viewers. But many of the parents liked Sales and demanded his rehire. He returned the money.

Thomas Jefferson helped design the federal city that was to become Washington, D.C., insisting that streets be at least 100 feet wide and suggesting that the capital should have eight-acre parks located every 200 yards along the avenues.

The Brady Bunch of television fame lived at the fictional address of 4222 Clinton Way, Los Angeles, Calif.

When it comes to kings, numbering systems aren’t always set in stone. For instance, Scotland’s James VI became James I when he took the throne of Great Britain in 1603. Then there’s England’s Edward I (1272-1307). He was actually the fourth English sovereign to go by that name. Other earlier Edwards include the Elder (899-924), the Martyr (975-978) and the Confessor (1042-1066).


Elephants like to smash footballs

Elephant polo, the brainchild of Jim Edwards and James Manclark, used to be played with footballs. But the elephants developed a passion for stamping on the balls until they exploded. The World Elephant Polo Association now uses standard polo balls in its matches. It is considered a foul for an elephant to pick up the ball with its trunk or to lie down in front of the goal.

When the Electoral College first met in February 1789, all 69 electors named George Washington as their choice for president. But John Adams squeaked into office as vice president with only 34 votes.

Only one horse in film or television has ever won a Golden Globe award. That was the talking horse, the famous Mr. Ed. He was also the only animal to have his own Social Security number.

Colombia and South Africa have more murders per capita than any other nations in the world, followed by Jamaica and Venezuela.

A series of studies have shown that hangover symptoms are worst for drinkers of brandy, red wine and rum. Those symptoms are much lighter, however, for drinkers of gin and vodka.

Scientists report that there are more than 85,000 different kinds of flies.


Best feathers come from left wing

In the sport of badminton, the projectile item is called a shuttlecock. Real shuttlecocks (not the plastic variety) come with 16 feathers fixed into a cork base. These feathers are taken from ducks or white geese and must measure 64 to 70 millimeters long. Experts claim that the most stable shuttlecocks use feathers from a bird’s left wing.

During his life, George Washington held no higher military ranking than that of lieutenant-general. But in 1978, the U.S. Army promoted Washington to the rank of General of the Armies of the United States so that he would be the senior general officer on army rolls.

The martial arts include aikido (the way of harmony), judo (the gentle way), jujitsu (the gentle technique), karate (the way of the empty hand), kenpo (way of the fist), kung fu (one who is highly skilled), tae kwan do (way of the hands and feet) and tai chi (great supreme absolute).

With a population of roughly 13,000 inmates, New York City’s Rikers Island is the world’s largest penal colony.

Cockroaches have extremely sensitive antennae that make it possible for the hardy insects to sense a movement on the ground of less than one-millionth of an inch.


No hair-pulling in Nevada

Mixed martial-arts competitions have become so popular in Nevada that state law now defines a number of moves that are considered fouls. Some of the illegal acts include the following: butting with the head, eye gouging of any kind, biting, hair pulling, spitting at an opponent, abusive language and timidity (including avoiding contact with an opponent or faking an injury).

Some American towns with interesting names: Accident, Maryland; Arab, Alabama; Bat Cave, North Carolina; Beer Bottle Crossing, Idaho; Big Arm, Montana; Big Ugly, West Virginia; Bowlegs, Oklahoma; Bread Loaf, Vermont; Bucksnort, Tennessee; and Bug, Kentucky.

An English eccentric, Richard Hull, held the religious belief that the world would be turned upside down at the end of time. In order to be ready, he ordered that he be buried upside down on his horse so that when the end comes, he will be in the right position to gallop into glory.

Bing Crosby and Bob Hope traveled together for many years, making a number of “Road” pictures around the world. There stops included “Road to Singapore” (1940), “Road to Zanzibar” (1941), “Road to Morocco” (1942), “Road to Utopia” (1946), “Road to Rio” (1947), “Road to Bali” (1952) and “Road to Hong Kong” (1962).


Where is Columbus?

Nobody knows for certain where Christopher Columbus has been buried. But this is not a case of a missing body. Instead, it seems that there are too many bodies in too many places. Even after he died, Columbus’ corpse was moved from place to place for almost 500 years, making it practically impossible for historians to say for certain which of his many burial places is authentic. Historians hold that parts of Columbus’ bones and ashes may be found in Santo Domingo, Seville, Havana, Valladolid, the Vatican, Genoa and at the University of Pavia.

Dick Van Dyke is well known for his prominent roles in film, television and on Broadway. But he got married on the radio. Van Dyke and his childhood sweetheart Marjorie Willets tied the knot on ABC’s 30-minute radio show, “Bride and Groom.”

In only a few sports do competitors move primarily in reverse. Some of these events include the following: swimming (backstroke), the high-jump (Fosbury Flop), tug o’ war, rowing and abseiling (rappelling).

From mythology, scripture and other forms of literature, humans have gathered an impressive number of names for the underworld. A few of these include the following: Abaddon, Apollyon, Gehenna, Hades, Hell, Scheol, Tophet and the infernal regions.